recognize the face of citizens India plans to implement a massive Chinese-style facial recognition technique in public places. International media, Bloomberg, report that the central government will begin taking action next month to develop a centralized facial recognition system. The technology should be used in surveillance cameras throughout the country. recognize the face of citizens apps.
According to the report, the new system could be linked to a database, which includes information on passports, criminals, missing persons and anonymous bodies. The advantages and disadvantages of this are that all citizens of the country will be under government surveillance.
The move is meant to strengthen the weak police force in India. The police force of India has a members of 724:1 . This is the lowest proportion rate in the world.
The introduction of a new system in India where the efficient Data Protection Act does not exist will cause concern. India still has limitations, like China, to control the entire population with the help of technology. There are indications that the facility will be able to identify even those who have undergone plastic surgery. The new data protection law, which was discussed last year, is yet to be considered by Parliament or the Cabinet. This is because India is still lagging behind in ensuring that data is not misused.
There are indications that the facility will be able to identify even those who have undergone plastic surgery. The new data protection law, which was discussed last year, is yet to be considered by Parliament or the Cabinet.