How to disable windows updates permanently 2019

To prevent Windows 10 from automatically downloading and installing an update, you can disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates to completely Stop automatic updates. How to disable windows updates permanently  2019


open Services (go to Run> Type services.msc)
Right click on windows updates> click stop
change startuptype to disable
Click OK
Sometimes on the next login this service automatically enables, to fix this issue open registry
These are the steps you need to take to permanently disable windows 10 updates.
Before you start make a backup of your data and create a system restore point.
This video is only for people who have no intention of updating their version of windows OS and want to block or disable windows OS updates permanently,
you do this at your own risk.
Run> regedit>

 Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE> Policies> Microsoft> Windows> WindowsUpdate> AU
go inside the window AU over right side of the window, right  click Select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value>
give Value name as AUOptions> give Value data to 2> click OK

Task Schedular> Microsoft> Windows> WindowsUpdate



Disable: Scheduled Start, Automatic App Update, Sih, Sihboot
Task Schedular> Microsoft> Windows> UpdateOrchestrator
Disable: UpdateAssistant, UpdateAssistantAllUsersRun, UpdateAssistantCalendarRun, UpdateAssistantWakeupRun

How to enable gpedit.msc in windows 10

gpedit.msc is required to stop automatic windows updation, in some cases we found it causes automatic windows updation. in this way you can successfully How to disable windows updates permanently 2019.
This is a serious drawback because we need group policies to manage the local computer configuration. Group policy is better than changing the setting through the much more risky Windows Registry. Most Group Policy settings can be easily reversed, while editing the registry can have adverse effects on the system.

How to disable automatic updates using Group Policy

In Windows 10 Pro, you can use the Local Group Policy editor to permanently disable automatic updates or change your Windows Update settings to decide when updates should be installed.

Disabling updates

To permanently disable automatic updates in Windows 10, follow these steps:

Open Start
Search for gpedit.msc and select the main result to start the experiment.
Navigate to the following path:

Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Windows Update

Double-click the Configure Automatic Updates policy on the right side.

Check the Disabled option to turn off the policy.

Click the Apply button.
Click on the OK button.
After you complete the steps, Windows 10 will stop downloading updates automatically.

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