Commercial Solar Installers: 12 Tips for Hiring the Right Company

Getting a solar panel system in your home can save you thousands of dollars on your electricity bills.

But the installation isn’t a job for an inexperienced do-it-yourselfer. If the job isn’t done right, you could find yourself with expensive problems down the road.

Considering that, you need to do your homework to find the right company to do the job. Experience and a commitment to quality are essential.

So what does it take to find commercial solar installers that you can trust? Here are 12 tips for finding the best commercial solar installation company!

  1. Assess You Solar Needs

When hiring commercial solar installers, it is essential to assess your needs first. This should include building a comprehensive assessment of your current energy needs, as well as any potential future needs that you may have.

This can also be done by understanding the receiving environment for the solar installation. Analyze the potential solar sites and understand the electrical requirements.

Once you understand your unique solar needs, you can make an educated decision on the most suitable and experienced solar installers. Talk to references and do your due diligence to find the most qualified installers.

  1. Where to Find Solar Installers

When hiring commercial solar installers, it’s essential to do your homework and find the right installers for you. The best place to start is by looking online for certified local solar installers. Most reputable solar companies will have a website and social media pages with information about their services and customer reviews.

It’s also a good idea to look for customer testimonials to learn about their experience with the company. Additionally, you can search for industry trade organizations or associations to find information about solar installers in your area.

Websites Containing Potential Solar Companies

Many websites contain potential solar companies. The Solar Rights website offers a comprehensive list of legally certified companies that can install, service, and repair solar systems.

U.S. Department of Energy’s Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) is another helpful resource for discovering solar companies in your area. The Database of Solar Installers contains hundreds of installers who help you find the best products for your solar need.

With the help of these websites, finding a reliable solar company is simple. Read through the reviews and ratings of each company to gain insight into the services and reliability of each solar installer. 

Red Flags on the Website to Look Out For

It is essential to look out for red flags associated with rogue companies and poor-quality installation and service. Specifically, avoid websites with the following characteristics:

  • no clearly published address
  • scammy-looking content
  • contact information doesn’t seem genuine

Similarly, be wary of companies offering suspiciously high discounts or excessively low prices. Make sure to contact the installer directly. Ask questions before making any commitments. A reputable installer will have strong credentials and reviews from satisfied customers.

  1. Look at their Online Reviews

When it comes to hiring the right commercial solar installers, it’s important to do your research and look at their online reviews. Online reviews can provide helpful information about a company’s qualifications and customer service. Its also a good place to ask questions about things such as:

  • pricing
  • customer service
  • references
  • other important factors

Reviews can also be a good way to see how other customers have rated an installer’s work. You can see whether the reviews are positive or negative.

Additionally, online reviews can be a great way to help you understand which company is right for you. Overall, they’re a great way to ensure you’re hiring the right solar installers for the job.

  1. Get Multiple Quotes

Getting multiple quotes is critical. Get written estimates, and compare them to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Ask installers questions about whether the warranty covers any future repairs or upgrades. 

Inquire if there are any hidden fees or charges. It’s important to have clear communication and to ensure that you, as the customer, are always in the know. If you want to estimate how much you can save with solar, you may visit this homepage for more information.

  1. Check for License and Insurance

It is important to check for licenses and insurance. Be sure to request proof of both license and insurance from any company you are considering. This will ensure that your project is completed in a safe, professional manner and that you are protected if anything goes wrong.

Additionally, ensure the installers have experience in the field and are knowledgeable and up-to-date on the various technologies and engineering involved in a successful solar installation.

Types of Licenses for Solar Installers

Licenses in the field include electrical and plumbing licenses. It also includes business licenses and building inspector certifications. Insurances include worker’s compensation, property damage, and professional indemnity coverage.

Types of Insurance for Solar Installers

Additionally, it is important that solar companies secure liability and product liability insurance. Solar installer insurance should also include general liability for injury or accidents that may occur on-site. This protects both the client and the solar installers if any personal injury occurs.

These licenses and insurance are critical in ensuring the job is legitimate and legal. It also protects all parties involved in the process of installing solar equipment.

  1. Consider Payment Options

When looking to hire commercial solar installers for your business, it is highly recommended to consider payment options. Before you make a decision, look into what kind of payment options are available, such as:

  • traditional payments
  • leasing
  • power purchase agreement

Additionally, consider any incentives or tax credits for which your installation is eligible. Confirm warranties and finance options for any defects. Finally, take into account any hidden fees or long-term costs associated with your chosen installers.

By carefully evaluating and comparing various payment options, you can ensure you hire the right commercial solar installers.

Should You Pay Cash or Through a Loan?

Different types of solar payment options are available, such as cash or loan. The cash option is the most straightforward payment option. Customers can pay up-front for their solar energy system.

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If a customer opts to pay with a loan, the customer can finance the system through a bank or other third-party company. These loan payments can be a lump sum payment or have the option to pay in quarterly or annual installments.

By opting for the loan option, homeowners may be eligible to receive tax benefits.

Considering Power Purchase Agreement

Aside from the two choices, the customer may have the option to finance with a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or a Solar Loan. Both offer no up-front payment.

Through a PPA, the customer pays for the energy the system produces at a lower rate than they would pay the utility company. Similarly, a Solar Loan gives customers the option to finance the system. Repayment terms can vary based on the customer’s needs.

  1. Find a Company with High-Quality Service

When looking for the right commercial solar installers, it is important to find a company with high-quality service. Make sure the company has experience in commercial solar installations, as this is a specialized task. They will need to be able to accommodate the project’s size and scope. 

Ask questions about their process and turn-around time. Ensure the installers they provide are adequately insured so you are not held liable in the unlikely event of damage or injury.

  1. Inquire About Maintenance and Solar Warranties

When hiring commercial solar installers, it is important to inquire about their maintenance services and solar panel warranties. Solar panel technology and installation techniques are still relatively new. Thus it is important to make sure the installers have experience and certifications to back up their services.

A well-educated installer can provide insight into which type of warranty would best fit your situation.

Options for Maintenance Services

Ask for detailed information on maintenance services that are included in the installation. This may be monitoring or system optimization. Find out how to access the installer in emergency system repairs or maintenance.

Furthermore, inquire what test protocols and inspection criteria must be met before the solar installers can proceed with the project.

Options for Solar Warranties

A warranty will identify the specific details of the system and how long it is expected to last. Typical warranties cover 25 years and will include everything from the installation and manufacturing of the solar panel system to the performance of the panel itself.

Some warranties may even cover additional unexpected costs, such as if a part or component needs to be replaced. Maintenance plans vary depending on the manufacturer and can be monthly, quarterly, or annual. Maintenance plans generally involve:

  • cleaning the system
  • inspecting safety devices
  • checking power output
  • testing the wiring
  • checking connections

By having a warranty, homeowners can rest assured that their investment in a solar system will be protected.

  1. Review the Product Quality

When it comes to installing a commercial solar system, the quality of the products used should not be overlooked. Therefore, one of the most important steps in reviewing the quality of products is to find and hire the right commercial solar installers.

The installers should have knowledge of solar energy and experience in installing high-quality solar products. Make sure to get a full overview of the products that are included in the quote and compare them against the other products on the market.

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Good quality products will help ensure that your commercial solar system is more efficient and produces the best possible energy.

  1. Check the Customer Service of the Company

A well-reputed company will be more likely to offer better customer service. This is essential when making such a big purchase and coming into a long-term relationship with the provider.

Ensure the company is willing and able to answer your questions promptly and professionally. Ask to speak directly with someone knowledgeable about the product and have a good understanding of the installation process. Find out what type of support they are able to offer both before and after the installation.

Good customer service is essential when it comes to making sure that the installation will go as planned and you will be happy with the results. Having reliable customer service on hand will give you peace of mind during the project. It will allow you to address any potential issues that may arise effectively.

  1. Check Local Codes and Manufacturer Requirements

When hiring the right commercial solar installers, it is important to check local codes and manufacturer requirements. Local codes and manufacturer requirements can vary depending on the area and type of system you need. These standards provide a starting point for the selection of suitable installers.

Before signing a contract or making any commitments, research the specific code and requirements in your area. Make sure any bids from installers include details regarding their understanding of the codes and how they will meet the manufacturer’s requirements.

Ask how any on-site inspection of the materials and installations will be handled. Make sure the solar installer is adequately licensed and insured. These steps will help ensure you choose the right installers for your commercial solar installation project.

  1. Review Terms and Conditions Before Finalizing the Contract 

You must ensure that you review all the terms and conditions before finalizing the contract. These terms should be thoroughly understood by both parties. This is particularly in projects involving more than one contractor.

During the negotiation, make sure to discuss the total cost of the installation, including any potential incentives or rebates that may be available. Finally, once the contract is signed, be sure to read it through carefully and ask any questions you may have before committing. By taking the time to review and understand the agreement, you can be sure that you are hiring the right commercial solar installer.

Find the Best Commercial Solar Installers Today

Hiring a commercial solar installer can be overwhelming. But following these 12 tips will ensure you make the right choice for your business.

Once you’ve found the right commercial solar installers, take the time to interview them and review their portfolios. Make sure to ask any questions you have about the installation process and the team’s experience and qualifications. Choosing an experienced, qualified commercial solar installer is the key to a successful installation.

Get started now and see how solar energy can benefit your business.

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