Analyzing Crypto Assets

Crypto coins are digital money used for investment, trading, buying goods and services, etc. The market offers hundreds of crypto coins that can be used for trading. However, only a small part of them deserve attention. This article will discuss how to identify the next big crypto. Analyzing Crypto Assets The first thing you should … Read more

what are public and private keys?

Today, we’ll talk about one of crypto’s most essential and fundamental things – private and public keys. So what are public and private keys? You can think of a private key as a password consisting of numbers and letters that allows you to access your account. When you first create a wallet (e.g. in Metamask), … Read more

Is investing in DeFi safe

Defi application’s purpose is to create traditional financial systems such as banks and exchanges. Most of these work on the Ethereum blockchain. With the help of DeFi lending, users can borrow or lend out cryptocurrency just like the conventional banking system that uses balanced funds and earn interest as a lender. Cryptocurrencies comprise many currencies … Read more

Do you make a living day trading crypto?

If you want to know whether you can make a living day by trading crypto using bitcoin trading software or not, the answer is yes, you can buy bitcoin now! Many professionals say that day trading is like any other business, but everyone may not like it; it is limited to certain people. Every job … Read more

Can you get money back if you’re scammed on Bitcoin?

Cryptocurrency is getting popular, a digital asset that is used for the online transaction of assets throughout the world. Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized, no agency or financial institutions are involved. Even though there is no one to look after your assets and scams are pretty standard, people are still purchasing and selling their digital assets … Read more

What is an example of decentralized finance?

The decentralized Finance system is developed by blockchain and crypto technology. It provides multiple offers to users without the interference of any traditional bank or exchanges—for instance, AAVE and SNX (Synthetix). Similarly examples of decentralized companies are HYPR Corp and Alliance Bank, bLock Inc and many others are some of the unique examples of Defi … Read more

How To Link Bitcoin Wallet to My Bank Account

Before linking a Bitcoin wallet to your bank account, there are a few things to know. This article will cover the Fees and Requirements for linking a bank account to your Bitcoin wallet. It’s important to note that you’ll need a valid bank account to make the transfer. Moreover, Bitcoin Motion is available for trading … Read more

Will Bitcoin Wallets Replace Bank Accounts?

Wallets allow you to store your digital currency. Some wallets have online backups, and others use physical devices. Wallets that offer online backups are preferred by those who hold large amounts of crypto. However, different wallets have different setups for private keys. You may lose access to your private keys if you do not back … Read more