New technologies are available to everyone; it’s just a matter of updating and being able to analyze a market that is leaving its mark in terms of the use of applications that allow absolute control by the user. Maybe visit to register and start buying and selling or using this virtual currency for daily transactions.


People want to be interconnected, but, in turn, without third parties intervening in the various types of relationships generated in the digital environment, be they personal, financial, or investment.

The options are endless; there are currently endless applications with unique features and advantages of use, which continue to be developed to adapt to users’ requirements and take them to a professional level that allows them to execute tasks quickly, comfortably, and safely.

What are decentralized applications?

To understand what DApps are, it is necessary to know what centralized applications are; for this, we can use a simple example based on the applications that we use daily, among which WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram stand out.

When we send an instant message through any of these platforms, the process is developed centrally; the message reaches the servers of these well-known social networks, which these companies entirely control. Then this message acts as the type bounce and reaches the final recipient.

Unlike when the term decentralized applications is heard, reference is made to the fact that these are executed from a P2P type platform, that is, through a blockchain network, which can be managed from different points.

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They are applications that are not controlled by a single command or authority. The development of this technological project depends on its purpose, be it for the video game industry, communications, or the financial field.

It is relevant to consider that all these new technological proposals arise from a base, none other than cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin, the digital currency that gave rise to the blockchain. However, all these decentralized applications are directly linked to Ethereum.

Ethereum opens the doors to making good use of the elements offered by the blockchain and adding value to the concepts that this technology brings with it through smart contracts.

There are a set of benefits that result from using these DApps, among which the protection of user information and the flexibility they offer in the creation and development of high-value content stand out.

One of the most notable disadvantages is the impossibility of increasing the level of scalability of operations, which represents a challenge in terms of increasing the efficiency of operations.

Frequent use of DApps

The use of decentralized applications is similar to that of typical centralized digital applications; the main difference is that they run on the blockchain network, while a standard web application runs through company-owned software.

DApps combines a Smart Contract and a Fronted user interface, available in any language that can execute the commands requested.

These technological projects control practically any transaction, from DeFi financing platforms to Marketplaces that have evolved and achieved a position in the electronic commercialization of goods and services.

Once a command is executed or a message is sent, it is recorded in the network for life; even administrators cannot delete it from the blockchain network, as is the case with crypto transactions.

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Basic Features of DApps

There is a set of characteristics that distinguish decentralized applications from centralized ones, and they are listed below:

  • They are open source, which indicates that anyone can access their code and the updates or changes that are generated, which are approved using network consensus.
  • The data of these applications are usually public. However, they are stored in a blockchain, making modifying them impossible.
  • They are stimulated since a reward is offered to validators in the form of cryptocurrencies for keeping the network in order and under the established protocols.


The fact of not depending on a centralized authority makes DApps more attractive since the users of this type of tool bet on the globalization and streamlining of processes without the need to involve third parties. 

The information is already available on the Web, and the use and management of it are left to the consideration of each person; it is there where the various types of decentralized applications attract the attention of the users of the blockchain ecosystem and perfect their operations.