Conversational Marketing: Is It Affecting Your Customer’s Interests?

“Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.”

– Bryan Eisenberg

Marketers have always looked out for different approaches to connect with their customers. There are many approaches and techniques discovered for different marketing purposes. 

Trending technologies today are taking over the market. And, so, the marketing methods are changing too. Conversational Marketing (the word of mouth) is a very old marketing method. With the trending technologies induced, it has gained new fame in the modern era. If you’re looking for the guaranteed ways that will deepen your connection with your audience try out Streamoz services. 

What is Conversational Marketing?

The new trending customer-centric approach to marketing. Conversational marketing platform specializes in setting up a better one-to-one interaction. This interaction is generally among the customers and the brand/company.

One-to-one marketing feels more personalized to the customers. Ultimately, offering opportunities to convert new leads into customers while maintaining the existing customer base. And, certainly, enhancing the customer’s onsite experience. Along with analyzing the customer behavior and interest over the brand.

The essence of conversational marketing is the Real-time conversation support that users are benefitted 24×7. Chatbots have given the new robust foundation to Conversational Marketing by creating quick responses to customer queries in the real-time. 

Heading to the features precisely, let’s see how conversational marketing is so uplifted with the introduction of chatbots.

Features Of Conversational Marketing

1. Personalized

“The more personalized the interaction is, the more loyal the customer towards your brand.“

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Personalized marketing strategies were developed with Email marketing. The approach that many companies still follow to engage with their customers (now, in more automated away though). But, it was difficult to track each action that the customer takes in email marketing. 

The concept of conversational marketing chatbot was round the corner then. Incorporating the chatbot marketing strategies into business fetched some great results to many marketers. 

They’re highly influenced by the chatbots as they provide a one-on-one conversation environment to the customer. Each customer is handled with the same attention. Responses to the queries are more customized as per the previous market conversation (not general that is applicable to all).

2. Real-Time

Conversational marketing offers negligible latency or an instant exchange of information between the user/customer and brand. Real-time marketing practices are more reliable in retaining the existing customer base.

The benefit of real-time conversing is in-time feedback. As marketers and business handlers, feedback from the customers are very crucial. Having instant feedback will support decision-making strategies. Along with improving the issues and concerns of the customers.

3. Natural Language Processing (Humanized Conversation)

Artificial Intelligence is driving the interests of many industries towards bots. Chatbots is one such example that gained sights from all directions. The idea to get in interaction with the customers with more sensitivity and emotional balance through chatbots paved away to Natural Language Processing (NLP).

NLP is, basically, the ability of the bot to understand the human language, the tone of speech, and context altogether. NLP is the trending subfield in the IT research sector to inframe its processing into various regional languages.

Building chatbots with Natural Language Processing will enable the bot to involve the customers into a more humanized conversation. This will work indirection towards impressing the targeted market leads. 

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So far, the description of this marketing approach defines many benefits it holds alongside. Let’s get these benefits listed for better grasping of the concept.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing

1. Proximate Conversation With The Customer

Conversational marketing allows real-time conversation with the customers. Therefore, marketers have a golden opportunity to connect with their customers closely. In conversation with a customer, as a marketer, you can ask him – 

  • What he is looking for? 
  • From where did he got to know about you?
  • What was his purpose to initiate the chat (in case he did reply too)?

Etc… etc…

These questions, in flow with the conversation, help you get the information.

2. Know Your Customers Better

Conversing in real-time with customers, marketers gain the trust of their customers. Hence, the marketer, here, has his chance to learn his customer. He can have all the information he wishes to have, about the customer’s interest and buying behavior. A better understanding of the customer is half distance achieved towards conversion.

3. New On-Deck Leads

Earlier, your site visitors were never so interested in filling up the contact form or subscribing to your site until you were known to them. But, with conversational marketing and chatbots, it is now easy to get the contact information of the visitors on site. This helps in generating more prospective leads that can be potential loyal customers.

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4. Faster Sales Cycle

Marketers know the preferences and behavior of the customer. Hence, they have the opportunity to pitch their products/services over chat. It is easy and fast to convert over a chat by continuously provoking the customer. conversation marketing, hence, increases the speed of the sales process and improves sales pipeline efficiently.

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Today, everyone is aware of the chatbots and its multifaceted features. They are part of every industry from entertainment, media to eCommerce Marketing. And soon Chatbots in marketing will take the prime seat. 

Chatbots In Marketing

Can you assign one of your employees to motivate the visitor at each stage of your sales funnel to proceed towards checkout? Yes! Because sometimes you can do that. But is it practically possible for each visitor? NO.

But can hiring a chatbot do that for you? Certainly YES.

Chatbots embed on your website and pops-up on every visit with the aim to qualify leads into building customers. Providing 24×7 communication support to visitors on-site increases their interest and so, the loyalty towards the brand.

Your customers are known to respond quickly. They know all their queries will resolve within seconds. And, this trust from the customer’s end increases the business productivity too.

Not only customer support services, with chatbots, you can also pitch your product and/or services to your visitor. Building trust through conversation and selling the products in the conversation itself is more humane.

You have the opportunity to influence the decision of the visitor (if not interested in the product and still in conversation). And, you can do it by offering the customizations in your product/service.

This act is more converting as your visitor is already in the conversation with the chatbot for a reason. And, this will, eventually, increase your engagement rate and revenue too.